These anti-vaxxers and their leaders and rabble-rousers? They've got to be mentally ill, right?
I mean, only window-lickers and people who think they're Napoleon would want to stop us all being protected from a deadly virus, surely? No sane person or person without malicious intent would want to kill us off, would they?
Take for instance the late Rev Jim Jones. He managed to brainwash 900 members of his cult into killing themselves "for their own good". He really WAS insane and he DID have evil at heart but, because of his "death, you know it makes sense" philosophy, he would have been hailed a hero by today's anti-vaxxers.Would that it were just so simple as to let nature take its course and survival of the fittest do its thing. The anti-vaxxers would die off from Covid and the world would get that much more intelligent. Unfortunately, by refusing vaccines this mob puts us all at risk as we struggle to build immunity.
Now a new threat posed by the "it's my life and I'll die if I want to" mob has emerged. They have apparently joined forces online with the anti-lockdown brigade to organise the confrontation of MPs face to face.
A Sky investigation has discovered photos and videos of such morons approaching MPs and their offices circulating widely on the messaging app Telegram. One group says its aim is to target the "evil actions" of government. Supporters obviously believe the murder of two of our elected representatives to date is far too few!
Edward Jenner pioneered vaccination in the 18th Century when the average Joe was thick enough to believe that witches existed, rain was caused by digging holes (seriously!) and that there was a entire continent called Mu which everyone had missed in the Pacific Ocean (look it up)!
Dense though many people were they were not cerebrally challenged enough to believe vaccination was not a good thing and so it went on to eradicate horrible diseases such as smallpox and polio and all but kill off whooping cough and mumps, among others.
The difference between then and now? Well, I would argue people ARE thicker but more significantly - we have the internet and social media. "The moon is made of cheese, says 'ere. Must be true".
Dear Telegram,
You are quite happy hosting the rubbish put about by anti-vaxxers. So be it.
However, some of your groups are now urging people to confront MPs - after two were murdered in such confrontations. Incitement to murder ain't ok, actually it's illegal. Not allowed. Naughty.
If any harm befalls any MP in the wake of your irresponsible actions I for one will be calling for your bosses to be appropriately charged.
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