Saturday, 23 October 2021

Boris and the Re-Introduction of Slavery.

Our raving, right-wing Tory rulers, under the Fuhrership of Boris Johnson, have blocked a law preventing companies from firing and re-hiring employees.

Boris Johnson,

Do you know what the practice of "fire and rehire" actually involves? Of course you do. It means firms can bin staff without just cause and then take them on again under compulsory contracts offering less pay, with poorer conditions, and no-one can do a sodding thing about it.

Perhaps you need a little basic instruction here. What is employment? Well, it's where Person A contracts to supply their skills and labour to Person B in return for some reward, traditionally financial. 

Key to this is the "contractual" element. Person A AGREES a certain reward due to them from Person B for their help and any changes to that have to be AGREED by both parties.

Well, that used to be the way it worked. At the turn of the last century trades unions were established to negotiate on behalf of the As with the more powerful Bs - but then the devil's daughter got involved.

Thatcher crushed trade union activity, got them outlawed in some sectors and with her footsoldiers at the Daily Mail, Sun, Telegraph etc instilled in the public consciousness the belief that unions were Communist wreckers intent on destroying the well-being of everyone. Also, people were told they were lucky to have jobs and they had the generosity of employers to thank for that so should be eternally, cap-doffingly grateful to them.

Result? Workers were either left alone or with toothless union backing to combat the dictates of employers. Contracts were literally worth less than the paper they were written on.

To get round nit-picking anti-slavery laws, however, contracts were still given to employees but they were IMPOSED, not negotiated or re-negotiated. It was take-it-or-leave-it management. They are NOT contracts! Contracts, by definition, are agreements! If one side doesn't or isn't allowed to agree or disagree then it is not a contract, it is an order, a diktat.

So, we've now moved on to Person B ordering Person A to provide skills and labour if they want to live. Make you feel proud?

Fire and re-hire is yet another substitute for agreement. Employers who have already dictated pay and conditions to employees but now want to screw out even more can simply sack them and draw up a new "contract" which workers HAVE to sign if they want to keep their jobs! No need for time-wasting and potentially disagreeable negotiations!

You and your Tory lot have decided that instead of outlawing "fire and rehire" companies should be offered "guidance" on the issue. Can we assume that similar "guidance" is to be offered to other sections of society? I mean, do you intend to abandon Common Law and instead offer "guidance" to murderers that they really shouldn't top people if they can help it? Do tell?

Haven't you and your lot had enough of trampling on ordinary people and lining the pockets of yourselves and the ruling elite?

Here's hoping you get fired by the electorate at the next General Election (assuming you don't intend to scrap elections as well as proper contracts of employment?) and are never, EVER rehired.

In the meantime, and pleass don't take offence, fuck you!


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